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At TNW we aim to have an inclusive and safe community - both online and offline. Our code of conduct helps us achieve this. It outlines how we interact with each other, how the community interacts with the TNW team, how we make use of the facilities, and what you can do to have a positive influence on the community.

Have something to report**?**

TNW takes any and all concerns very seriously. If you'd like to report inappropriate, unsafe or aggressive behaviour, or harassment of any kind - contact us at [email protected]. The Community Manager for your location will get back to you to discuss next steps. It's also possible to set up an in-person meeting.

The Code of Conduct is made up of 9 values:

1. A space for growth

You now belong to a curated community. Its success affects yours, and it doesn’t happen by itself. Your effort will help you in return. Whether that’s about hiring, funding, sales, or just sharing experiences: give before you get. When the community grows, you grow.

2. A home, not a hotel

TNW does not clean up after you. If we all pick up after ourselves, leave things better than we found them, and treat our spaces as a home, then we can all focus on achieving big. You share your space at TNW with a community that depends on you treating it with care.

3. Work hard, play nice

This is a place where people are doing meaningful work that’s hard to do and requires focus. That doesn’t mean you have to take yourself too seriously. Have a laugh, relax, be weird. Just as long as you respect others and act responsibly.

4. Respect the code, respect the team

We’re here to ensure that our spaces are safe, healthy, and in tip top shape. We ask that you respect the codes and rules in place and treat the TNW team as you would your favourite colleague. We’ve got hundreds of members to keep happy, and if you can’t get in touch with us, give it 24 hours. We'll get back to you as soon as possible. And hey, we’re always open for feedback.

5. Difference is awesome